Convention resolutions requirements

A resolution is a formal written motion that asks the BCFED to adopt a particular policy or take a specific action. This is how individual workers, through their union, can influence the priorities of the BCFED.

Affiliated unions and other authorized bodies can submit resolutions to be debated and voted on at Convention. All resolutions must be received by September 26, 2024.

Resolutions not debated at Convention, owing to time, may be referred by a motion of Convention for consideration by the BCFED executive council.

Read more about resolution submission requirements in Article 4, Section 120 of the BCFED constitution. Or contact us if you need help submitting a resolution.

Resolution content

Each resolution submitted must:

  • deal with one topic
  • be no more than 150 words, including the “Because” and “The Federation Will' portions (except for any wording quoted from the BCFED’s constitution, which doesn’t count against the word limit)
  • state the action that is being proposed

The action section of the resolution (“The Federation Will”) is the only part of the resolution that forms the official record. Please ensure it makes sense when read alone.

Who can submit resolutions

The following bodies can submit resolutions:

  • local unions, branches and lodges of national and international unions, regional and provincial organizations affiliated to the Canadian Labour Congress (CLC) and the BCFED
  • local unions within the province chartered by the CLC and affiliated to the BCFED
  • labour councils
  • the BCFED’s Executive Officers and Executive Council

To be eligible to submit resolutions, an affiliate's per capita payment must be fully paid up to August 31, 2024. Any resolutions received from affiliates who have not paid their per capita to this date will not be considered by convention.

Official authorization

Resolutions must be approved by the presiding officer and secretary of the submitting organization. The affiliate access code is proof of official authorization when you make an online submission. Please contact us if you wish to submit your resolution by mail.

Amendments to the constitution

Constitutional amendments must be submitted in resolution form. Amendments require a two-thirds vote by delegates to pass. The Canadian Council of the Canadian Labour Congress considers and gives final approval of submitted amendments.

Posting of resolutions

We will post the successfully submitted resolutions on the BCFED Convention website by November 11, 2024.

Submission of resolutions

Resolutions may be submitted online using the online submission form or by mail.

Submit a resolution:

To submit resolutions, you must be logged in as an affiliate contact: